useful information, olive oil, Olive oil for health

Uses of olive oil: 14 different uses

Uses of Olive Oil: 14 Different Uses

Where is olive oil used? How is olive oil used in cleansing? Here are 14 different uses of olive oil that you didn't know that will add flavor to the dishes:

Olive oil, obtained from the fruit of the olive tree, is one of the essential flavors of Aegean cuisine. Olive oil, obtained in various ways, is widely used in dishes and salads. This food, which gives its name to the group of olive oils, has managed to stand out for its taste. However, the use of olive oil is not limited to meals. You can safely use this wonderful oil in cooking, skin care and even cleaning. Here are 14 different uses of olive oil that you didn't know:

  • Clean the shoes.

Olive oil makes shoes, especially leather shoes, look shinier. Put a small amount of olive oil on a cloth and rub your shoes with it. You can see the difference after a short time.

  • Eliminates door squeaking.

Of course, there is no one who does not know how annoying door squeaking is. To eliminate the squeaking of the doors, put 1 teaspoon of olive oil on a clean cotton pad and lubricate the hinges. The solution is so simple.

olive oil

  • Opens jammed zippers.

To easily unzip a stuck zipper, dip the tip of the cotton in olive oil and wipe the zipper with the cotton.

  • It's good for diaper rash.

For rashes and redness caused by diapers, you can apply a small amount of olive oil to the affected areas.

  • Shines the furniture.

Olive oil is a very effective tool for polishing furniture, especially wooden surfaces. Put 1 teaspoon of olive oil on a clean cloth and rub the wooden surfaces with this cloth.

  • Removes color stains.

To remove stains on hands, rub olive oil on hands and wait 5 minutes. Then rinse your hands with soap and warm water.

olive oil

  • It eliminates hair breakage.

To remove hair breakage, heat a coffee cup of olive oil. Then apply it like a mask to all your hair and leave it on for 20 minutes. Then rinse your hair with plenty of water and shampoo.

  • Cleans makeup brushes.

Makeup brushes can cause serious skin problems if not cleaned regularly. Mix 1 part olive oil and 2 parts antibacterial soap in warm water. Soak the makeup brushes in this water for 10 minutes, then rub and rinse with plenty of water.

  • antibacterial

Since olive oil has an antibacterial effect, you can rub them with olive oil before washing your hands. Then rub and wash your hand thoroughly with antibacterial soap. This also helps keep your hands hydrated.

  • Removes eye makeup.

If you want to use natural products to remove make-up, put 1 teaspoon of olive oil on the cotton wool. Wipe your eyes with a cotton ball without squeezing. However, be careful not to get the oil in your eyes.

olive oil

  • Exfoliate your lips.

You can also use olive oil for the scrub. Add 1 teaspoon of sugar to 1 teaspoon of olive oil. After applying this mixture on your lips, leave it on for 10 minutes. Then rinse off with warm water.

  • It is used as a hair mask.

Olive oil, which nourishes hair and makes it look more vibrant, can also be used to make hair masks. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Apply the prepared mask to your hair with a brush. Then wash your hair with shampoo.

  • For cleaning pots.

You can use olive oil for dried and difficult oil stains. Mix olive oil, vinegar and baking soda and let stand in saucepan for 10 minutes. Then clean your pot by gently rubbing.

olive oil

  • It is used as a moisturizer.

Cracks, which mainly appear on the elbows and kneecaps, can easily be removed with olive oil. To do this, take 2 drops of olive oil on your fingertip and rub your elbows well.

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