
In which program should the bath towel be washed in the washing machine?

Towel washing

For a long lasting Bath towel it is important to follow the right steps when washing. Bath towels should be separated by color during the washing process. In addition, a maximum of three bath towels should be washed in the washing machine. Vinegar can be added to white bath towels to make them lighter and softer. Washing bath towels at too high a temperature can damage the fibres. The optimum temperature for washing bath towels is therefore 30-40 degrees. Bath towels with ornaments can be washed in slightly cooler water. Bath towels that are washed at the right temperature can be used for longer. Because with the right wash, most germs on the bath towel can be killed. Colorful bath towels can also be washed with a light load if they are light in color. Also, the use of fabric softeners should not be preferred as they can reduce the absorbency of the bath towel. Bath towels can be dried in 45 minutes at normal heat setting. Or you can hang it to dry. However, the bath towel should be fluffed before drying. This shaking allows the bath towel to retain its water-absorbing properties.

It also ensures that the fibers in the bath towel stay fluffy. After the end of the drying process in the tumble dryer, the bath towel should be removed immediately. When the bath towel is still damp, it can be hung on a hook. However, hangers, which can cause bacterial growth, should not be used. It is healthier to dry bamboo bath towels on a hanger. This way bamboo bath towels stay softer. In addition, bath towels should not be used for the first 24 hours after washing. This is because the bath towel can become flexible and brittle after washing. The fibers of the bath towel can come loose and absorb moisture. Nevertheless, bath towels should be replaced after an average of 2 years. At you will find discounted bath towels with different designs.

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